Examination rules at the Institute of Pharmacology, the First Faculty of Medicine
List of exam dates
For subjects completely ending in the winter semester, the exams will take place both in the exam period in both the winter and summer semesters. For subjects completely ending in the summer semester, examinations can take place only in the examination period of the summer semester.
All exam dates will be announced on SIS at the latest by the end of the 5th week of the semester. The number of exam dates is fixed and finite.
Rules for enrollment and check-out
The start of recording of exam dates will be indicated in the SIS and will be different for different groups of dates:
• pre-exam dates (from the 7th week in the semester)
• regular examination period (from the 7th week in the semester)
• first 2 weeks in sumer semester (SS) for examinations from winter semester (from the 7th week in the semester)
• summer holidays (from the 3rd week of the regular exam period SS)
• 2nd part of the examination period in September (after the end of the holiday period)
A student can apply for only one exam date at a time. He/she can enroll for the next exam date after the "failed" classification or after logging off from the previous exam date (see below).
The student can take the exam only if he / she is enrolled for the exam date in SIS and has fulfilled all the requisites for the exam.
Enrollment for the exam is not conditioned by the granting of credit, but the examination is in ad-dition to the credit of the subject is limited by the completion of the subject, which is a (pre) requi-site. A student who does not have the requisites will be deleted from the exam before the exam, and he/she will receive an e-mail. The exam date is not lost.
Enrollment for the dates will be possible within 24 hours before the exam. Check-out will be pos-sible up to 48 hours before the exam.
Failure to attend the exam and apology
The general medicine and dentistry student must apologize to the assistant MUDr. Nikolina Canová, Ph.D. (ncano@lf1.cuni.cz, phone: +420 224 968 108) or MUDr. Olga Bartošová, Ph.D. (omato@lf1.cuni.cz, tel. 224 968 030, 224 964 133), respectively, in writing or electronically, explaining and substantiating the reason for the apology.
The student will be informed about the acceptance of the excuse and will be removed from the original exam date and will be able to register for a new exam date. The head of the subject may request clarification of the apology or its reason if the apology is not sufficient.
Retesting the exam
The student has the right to take the exam no more than three times. However, if the student does not exhaust these possibilities within the announced deadlines, this does not constitute a right to announce a special exam date.
Further exam dates will not be announced. If the student is on the second correction exam (third exam) is examined by a committee of at least two examiners.
Examination rules
The extent of knowledge required for the exam is defined by exam questions, pharmacology text-book and content of lectures and seminars. It is assumed that the student will acquire some know-ledge by self-study and that he / she will be able to apply the knowledge he / she acquired during the study of other subjects.
The exam always consists of two parts - written and oral (for details see SIS).
It is not allowed to use Pharmindex Brevíř or other drug databases during preparation for the exam.